ICRAF Publication List

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Found 4479 publication(s)


Lasco RD, Cruz RVO, Pulhin JM, Pulhin FB. 2010. The case of Pantabangan-Carranglan watershed assessing climate change impacts, vulnerability and adaptation. 1. Laguna, Philippines: World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF) Philippines.


Dewi S, Ekadinata A, Johana F. 2009. Sistem informasi geografis. Untuk pengelolaan bentang lahan berbasis sumber daya alam. Buku 2 analisa spasial untuk perencanaan wilayah yang terintegrasi menggunakan ILWIS open source. Bogor, Indonesia: World Agroforestry Centre - ICRAF, SEA Regional Office.


van Noordwijk M, Leimona B. 2010. CES/COS/CIS paradigms for compensation and rewards to enhance environmental services. Working Paper no 100. Bogor, Indonesia: World Agroforestry Centre - ICRAF, SEA Regional Office.


SEANAFE, RECOFTC. 2010. Teaching forest policy analysis. A guide for forestry departments and university faculties in Southeast Asia. Bangkok, Thailand: RECOFTC.


Villamor GB, Leimona B, eds. 2010. An innovative strategy to reward Asia's upland poor for preserving and improving our environment - in Khmer Language. Bogor, Indonesia: World Agroforestry Centre - ICRAF, SEA Regional Office.


Agus F, Runtunuwu E, June T, Susanti E, Komara H, Syahbuddin H, Las I, van Noordwijk M. 2009. Carbon dioxide emission in land use transitions to plantation. Jurnal Litbang Pertanian 28(4): 119-126.


Leimona B, Hendrayanto, Prihatno J, Roffandi N. 2009. Financing mechanisms for sustainable forest management in Indonesia: the role of public financing instruments. Strategies and financial mechanisms for sustainable use and conservation of forests: experiences from Latin America and Asia. Proceedings of an Inter-Regional Workshop Chiang Mai, Thailand, 20-22 November 2006. Bangkok, Thailand: FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (RAP).


Pansak W, Hilger T, Lusiana B, Kongkaew T, Marohn C, Cadisch G. 2010. Assessing soil conservation strategies for upland cropping in Northeast Thailand with the WaNuLCAS model. Agroforestry Systems : 22. http://www.springerlink.com/content/t0308742465207k1/.


Tarigan J, Dewi S, Hairiah K. 2010. Mari kitong belajar menghitung karbon di tanah pu sendiri. Kiprah Agroforestri 3(1): 11-13.


Harja D, Rahayu S. 2010. Pemodelan pertumbuhan tanaman, pohon dan perubahan lansekap. Kiprah Agroforestri 3(1): 8-10.