ICRAF Publication List
Found 4479 publication(s)
He J, Zimei Z, Weyerhaeuser H, Xu JC. 2009. Participatory technology development for incorporating non-timber forest products into forest restoration in Yunnan, Southwest China. Forest Ecology and Management 257(10): 2010-2016. |
Leimona B. 2010. Designing a procurement auction for reducing sedimentation: a field experiment in Indonesia. Poster. Bogor, Indonesia: World Agroforestry Centre - ICRAF, SEA Regional Office. |
Hoang MH, Quan NH, van Noordwijk M, Leimona B. 2009. Rewards, use and shared investment in pro-poor environmental services - an experiment in doing PES in Vietnam. Forest Sector Support Partnership. |
Hoang MH, Nguyen NL, Doan D, Hoan DT, Thuy PT, Thomas D, Nguyen TH. 2009. Reducing emissions from all land uses - REALU: What will Vietnam's path be? Initial findings of the scoping study. Brochure. Hanoi, Vietnam: World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF) - Vietnam. |
Galudra G, Sirait MT. 2009. A Discourse on Dutch Colonial Forest Policy and Science in Indonesia at the Beginning of the 20th Century. International Forestry Review 11(4): 524-533. |
Rahayu S. 2009. Peran Agroforest Karet dalam Pelestarian Spesies Pohon: Studi Kasus di Desa Lubuk Beringin, Kecamatan Bathin III Ulu, Kabupaten Bungo, Propinsi Jambi. Thesis. Bogor, Indonesia: Institut Pertanian Bogor. |
Rahayu S, Suryadi I, Verbist B, Dedecker A, Mouton A, van Noordwijk M. 2009. Water quality biomonitoring using macroinvertebrates in Way Besai, Sumberjaya, West Lampung. Proceeding Southeast Asian Water Environment. Norwich, UK: Page Bros Ltd. |
Martin FS, Navarro-Cerrillo RM, Mulia R, van Noordwijk M. 2010. Allometric equations based on a fractal branching model for estimating aboveground biomass of four native tree species in the Philippines. Agroforestry System : 10. http://springerlink.com/content/084rh5r780460697/. |
Lasco RD, Delfino RJ, Pulhin FB. 2009. Proceeding of the National Conference on Climate Change Adaptation Practices in Natural Resources Management. World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF) Philippines. |
Lasco RD. 2008. Tropical forests and climate change mitigation: the global potential and cases from the Philippines. Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development 5(1): 81-89. http://www.searca.org/ajad/archives/v-05/01/ajad_v5_n1.pdf#page=85. |