ICRAF Publication List

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Found 4448 publication(s)


Bui Dung The BDT, Dang Thanh Ha DTH, Nguyen Quoc Chinch NQC. 2004. Rewarding upland farmers for environmental services: Experience, constraints, and potential in Vietnam. Bogor, Indonesia: World Agroforestry Centre - ICRAF, SEA Regional Office.


Farida. 2001. Analisis limpasan permukaan pada berbagai umur kebun kopi di Sumber Jaya, Lampung Barat. Thesis. Jurusan Geofisika dan Meteorologi, FMIPA, Bogor, Indonesia: Institut Pertanian Bogor.


Farida. 2001. Aplikasi model WaNuLCAS (Water, Nutrient and Light Capture in Agroforestry System) pada berbagai kondisi lahan. Thesis. Jurusan Geofisika da Meteorologi, Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Bogor, Indonesia: Institut Pertanian Bogor.


Faika FR. 2002. Degradasi struktur tanah sebagai akibat perubahan penggunaan lahan hutan menjadi perkebunan kopi di Sumberjaya, Lampung. Thesis. Soil Science, Brawijaya University, Malang, Indonesia: Brawijaya University.


Fagerstrom MHH. 2000. Agroforestry systems in Nothern Vietnam with Tephrosia candidaas an alternative to short-fallow crop rotation. Thesis. Uppsala, Swedia: Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences.


Elmhirst RJ. 1997. Gender, environment and culture: a political ecology of transmigration in Indonesia. Thesis. Environment, London, UK: Wye College.


Djunaedy. 1999. Pengaruh tebas-bakar terhadap populasi dan aktivitas organisme tanah. Thesis. Program Pascasarjana, Bogor, Indonesia: Institut Pertanian Bogor.


Dawam D. 2000. Reklamasi lahan kritis ultisol dengan menggunakan berbagai jenis tanaman penutup tanah dan pengaruhnya terhadap tanaman jagung. Thesis. Program Pasca Sarjana, Malang, Indonesia: Brawijaya University.


Chabot L. 1996. Le Defi Forestier en Indonesie: Entre L'expansion Agricole et L'exploitation Forestiere. Le Cas de Jambi, Sumatra. Thesis. Geographie, Universite Laval.


Cairns M. 1994. Stabilization of upland agroecosystems as a strategy for protection of national park buffer zones: a case study of the co-evolution of Minangkabau Farming Systems and Kerinci Seblat National Park. Thesis. Environmental Studies, Ontario, Canada: York University.