ICRAF Publication List

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Found 4448 publication(s)


Vincent G, Harja D. 2002. SLIM software: a simple light interception model for multi-species, multi-strata forests. Bois et Forêts des Tropiques 272: 97-100.


Stark M, Mercado Jr. AR, Garrity DP. 2000. Natural vegetative strips: farmers' invention gains popularity.. Agroforestry Today 12((1)): 32-35.


Tomich TP, Fagi AM, Michon G, Murdiyarso D, Stolle F, van Noordwijk M. 1998. Indonesia's fires: smoke as a problem, smoke as a symptom. Agroforestry Today 10 (January-March)((1)): 4-7.


Fay CC, de Foresta H, Sirait MT, Tomich TP. 1998. A policy breakthrough for Indonesian farmers in the Krui damar agroforests. Agroforestry Today 10((2)): 25-26.


Cadisch G, Rowe EC, van Noordwijk M. 1997. Nutrient harvesting - the tree-root safety net. Agroforestry Forum 8 [June]((2)): 31-33.


van Noordwijk M, Spek LY, Purnomosidhi P. 1995. Quantifying shallow roots: tree geometry makes root research easy. Agroforestry Today 7 (April-June)((2)): 9-11.


de Foresta H, Michon G. 1994. From shifting cultivation to forest management through agroforestry: smallholder damar agroforests in West Lampung (Sumatra). APANews February(6/7): 12-16.


Penot E. 1995. Taking the 'jungle' out of rubber: improving rubber in Indonesian agroforestry systems. Agroforestry Today 7((3-4)): 11-13.


de Foresta H, Michon G. 1994. Agroforests in Sumatra where ecology meets economy. Agroforestry Today 6((4)): 12-13.


van Noordwijk M, Hairiah K, Sitompul SM, Syekhfani M. 1992. Rotational hedgerow intercropping + Peltophorum pterocarpum = New hope for weed-infested soils. Agroforestry Today 4((4)): 4-6.