ICRAF Publication List

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Found 4448 publication(s)


van Noordwijk M, Hairiah K, Syekhfan MS. 1991. Peltophorum pterocarpa (DC.) Back (Caesalpiniaceae), a tree with a root distribution suitable for alley cropping on acid soils in the humid tropics. In: McMichael BL, Persson H, eds. Plant roots and their environment. Amsterdam, Netherland: Elsevier Ltd.


Koffa S, Garrity DP. 2001. Grassroots empowerment and sustainability in the management of critical natural resources: the agroforestry tree seed association of Lantapan. In: Coxhead I, Buenavista G, eds. Seeking sustainability: challenges of agricultural development and environmental management in a Philippine watershed. Laguna, Philippine: PCARRD. http://www.aae.wisc.edu/sanrem-sea/Publications/Abstracts/SeekingSustain/Chapter%2010.pdf.


Hargrov WL, Garrity DP, Rhoades RE, Neely CL. 2000. A Landscape/lifescape approach to sustainability in the tropics: the experience of the SANREM CRSP at three sites. In: Lal R, ed. Integrated watershed management in the global ecosystem. Boca Raton, Florida, USA: CRC Press.


Garrity DP, Agus F. 2000. Natural resource management on a watershed scale: what can agroforestry contribute?. In: Lal R, ed. Integrated watershed management in the global ecosystem. Boca Raton, Florida, USA: CRC Press.


Michon G, de Foresta H. 2000. Masa depan agroforest prospek agroforest kini dan mendatang. In: de Foresta H, Kusworo A, Michon G, Djatmiko W, eds. Ketika kebun berupa hutan agroforest khas Indonesia sebuah sumbangan masyarakat. Bogor, Indonesia: International Centre for Research in Agroforestry, SEA Regional Research Programme.


Michon G, de Foresta H. 2000. Peranan agroforest. In: de Foresta H, Kusworo A, Michon G, Djatmiko W, eds. Ketika kebun berupa hutan agroforest khas Indonesia sebuah sumbangan masyarakat. Bogor, Indonesia: International Centre for Research in Agroforestry, SEA Regional Research Programme.


Michon G, de Foresta H, Levang P, Kusworo A. 2000. Contoh agroforest Indonesia. In: de Foresta H, Kusworo A, Michon G, Djatmiko W, eds. Ketika kebun berupa hutan agroforest khas Indonesia sebuah sumbangan masyarakat. Bogor, Indonesia: International Centre for Research in Agroforestry, SEA Regional Research Programme.


de Foresta H, Michon G. 2000. Agroforestri Indonesia: beda sistem beda pendekatan. In: de Foresta H, Kusworo A, Michon G, Djatmiko W, eds. Ketika kebun berupa hutan agroforest khas Indonesia sebuah sumbangan masyarakat. Bogor, Indonesia: International Centre for Research in Agroforestry, SEA Regional Research Programme.


Michon G. Prospect for the use of agroforestry systems in regional forest management: examples from Indonesia. Montpellier, France: Universite' des Sciences et Techniques du Languedoc.


Garrity DP, Mercado Jr. AR. 1998. The Landcare approach. A two-pronged method to rapidly disseminate agroforestry practices in upland watersheds. Bogor, Indonesia: International Centre for Research in Agroforestry, SEA Regional Research Programme.