ICRAF Publication List

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Found 4448 publication(s)


Hairiah K, Latif AR, van Noordwijk M. 1996. Soil organic matter fractionation under different land use types in N Lampung. AGRIVITA 19(4): 146-149.


van Noordwijk M, Lusiana B, Suyanto S, Tomich TP. 1996. Soil and other constrains to agriculture production with or without trees in the North Lampung benchmark areas of the Alternatives to Slash and Burn Project. AGRIVITA 19(4): 136-146.


van Noordwijk M, Hairiah K, Guritno B, Sugito Y, Ismunandar S. 1996. Biological management of soil fertility for sustainable agriculture on acid soils in Lampung (Sumatra). AGRIVITA 19(4): 131-136.


de Foresta H, Michon G. 1996. Tree improvement research for agroforestry: a note of caution. Agroforestry Forum 7(4): 8-10.


van Noordwijk M, Wadman WP. 1992. Effect of spatial variability of Nitrogen supply on environmentally acceptable Nitrogen fertilizer application rates to arrable crops. Netherlands Journal of Agriculture Science 40: 51-72.


Suyanto S, Otsuka K. 2001. From deforestation to development of agroforests in customary land tenure areas of Sumatra. Asian Economic Journal 15(11): 1-17.


Agus F, Garrity DP, Cassel DK. 1999. Soil fertility in contour hedgerow systems on sloping oxisols in Mindanao, Philippines. Soil and Tillage Research 50(2): 159-167.


van Noordwijk M, Rahayu S, Hairiah K, Wulan YC, Farida A, Verbist B. 2002. Carbon stock assessment for a forest to coffee conversion landscape in Sumber Jaya (Lampung, Indonesia) from allometric equations to land use change analysis. Science in China (Series C) 45: 75-86.


van Noordwijk M. 2002. Scaling trade-offs between crop productivity, carbon stocks and biodiversity in shifting cultivation landscape mosaics: the FALLOW model. Ecological Modelling 149: 113-126.


van Noordwijk M, Mulia R. 2002. Functional branch analysis as tool for fractal scaling above- and belowground trees for their additive and non-additive properties. Ecological Modelling 149: 41-51.