ICRAF Publication List

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Found 4448 publication(s)


Taylor P, Rudebjer PG. 2001. Participatory agroforestry curriculum development - an account of participatory writing workshop. PLA Notes 42: 57-61.


Swallow BM, Garrity DP, van Noordwijk M. 2001. The effects of scales, flows and filters on property rights and collective action in watershed management.. Water Policy 3: 457-474.


Suyanto S, Tomich TP, Otsuka K. 2001. Land tenure and farm management efficiency: the case of smallholder rubber production in customary land areas of Sumatra. Agroforestry Systems 52(2): 145-160.


Suyanto S, Tomich TP, Otsuka K. 2001. Land tenure and farm management efficiency: the case of paddy and cinnamon production in customary land areas of Sumatra. Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resources Economic 15(3): 411-436.


Rowe EC, van Noordwijk M, Suprayogo D, Hairiah K, Giller KE, Cadisch G. 2001. Root distributions partially explain 15N uptake patterns in Gliricidia and Peltophorum hedgerow intercropping systems. Plant and Soil 235(2): 167-179.


Peskin HM, Angeles Md. 2001. Accounting for environmental services: contrasting the SEEA and the ENRAP approaches. The Review of Income and Wealth 47(2): 202-220.


Mercado Jr. AR, Patindol M, Garrity DP. 2001. The Landcare experience in the Philippines: technical and institutional innovations for conservation farming. Development in Practice 11(4): 495-509.


Murniati, Garrity DP, Gintings AN. 2001. The contribution of agroforestry systems to reducing farmers dependence on the resources of adjacent national parks: a case study from Sumatra, Indonesia. Agroforestry System 52(3): 171-184.


Suyanto S, deJong W, van Noordwijk M, Sirait MT. 2001. Farming secondary forests in Indonesia. Journal of Tropical Forest Science 13(4): 705-726.


Ketterings QM, Coe R, van Noordwijk M, Ambagau Y, Palm CA. 2001. Reducing uncertainty in the use of allometric biomass equations for predicting above-ground tree biomass in mixed secondary forests. Forest Ecology and Management 146(1-3): 199-209.