ICRAF Publication List

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Found 4448 publication(s)


Fagerstrom MHH, van Noordwijk M, Phien T, Vinh NC. 2001. Innovations within upland rice-based systems in northern Vietnam with Tephrosia candida as fallow species, hedgerow, or mulch: net returns and farmers' response. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 86(1): 23-37.


Sitompul SM, Hairiah K, Cadisch G, van Noordwijk M. 2000. Dynamics of density fractions of macro-organic matter after forest conversion to sugarcane and woodlots, accounted for in a modified Century model. Netherlands Journal of Agricultural Science 48(1): 61-73.


Thapa B, Garrity DP, Cassel DK, Mercado Jr. AR. 2000. Contour grass strips and tillage affect corn production on Philippine steepland Oxisols. Agronomy Journal 92(1): 98-105.


Hairiah K, van Noordwijk M, Cadisch G. 2000. Quantification of biological N2 fixation of hedgerow trees in Northern Lampung. Netherlands Journal of Agricultural Science 48(1): 47-59.


Hairiah K, van Noordwijk M, Cadisch G. 2000. Crop yield, C and N balance of three types of cropping systems on an Ultisol in Northern Lampung. Netherlands Journal of Agricultural Science 48(1): 3-17.


Garrity DP, Amoroso VB, Koffa S, Catacutan D. 2001. Innovations in participatory watershed resource management to conserve tropical biodiversity. In: Coxhead I, Buenavista G, eds. Seeking sustainability: challenges of agricultural development and environmental management in a Philippine watershed. Bukidnon, Philippines: SANREM CRSP.


van Noordwijk M, Lusiana B. 1998/1999. WaNuLCAS, a model of water, nutrient and light capture in agroforestry systems. Agroforestry Systems 43(1-3): 217-242.


van Noordwijk M, Radersma S, Lusiana B. 1999. Modelling root architecture and phosphorus uptake in agroforestry. Agroforestry Forum 9(4): 28-29.


Stolle F, Tomich TP. 1999. The 1997-1998 fire event in Indonesia. Nature and Resources 35(3): 22-30.


Samsuzzaman S, Garrity DP, Quintana RU. 1999. Soil property changes in contour hedgerow systems on sloping land in the Philippines. Agroforestry Systems 46(3): 251-272.