ICRAF Publication List

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Found 4448 publication(s)


Michon G, de Foresta H. 1997. Agroforests: pre-domestication of forest trees or true domestication of forest ecosystems?. Netherlands Journal of Agricultural Science 45(4): 451-462.


Miah MG, Aragon ML, Garrity DP. 1997. Growth, biomass production and distribution of three multipurpose tree species in an agroforestry system as affected by pruning. Journal of Tropical Forest Science 10(1): 35-49.


Miah MG, Garrity DP, Aragon ML. 1997. Effect of legume trees on soil chemical properties under agroforestry system. The Annals of Bangladesh Agriculture 7(2): 95-103.


Levang P, Michon G, de Foresta H. 1997. Agriculture foresti. Bois et Forêt des Tropiques 251(1): 29-42.


Agus F, Cassel DK, Garrity DP. 1997. Soil-water and soil physical properties under contour hedgerow systems on sloping oxisols. Soil and Tillage Research 40: 185-199.


Izac A. 1997. Developing policies for soil carbon management in tropical regions. Geoderma 79: 261-276.


Herrera WT, Garrity DP, Vejpas C. 1997. Management of Sesbania rostrata green manure crops grown prior to rainfed lowland rice on sandy soils. Field Crops Research 49: 259-268.


Garrity DP, Soekardi M, van Noordwijk M, de la Cruz R, Pathak PS, Gunasena HPM, Huijun G, Majid NM. 1996/1997. The imperata grasslands of tropical Asia distribution and typology. Agroforestry Systems 36(1-3): 3-29.


Garrity DP, Stark M, Mercado Jr. AR. 1997. Rapid soil redistribution within alleys: why simple extension models for contour hedgerows may not be appropriate. Special issue on The control of soil erosion and fertility on sloping land 8(4): 5-7.


Garrity DP. 1996. Agroforestry innovations for Imperata grassland rehabilitation: workshop recommendations. Agroforestry Systems 36(1-3): 263-274.