ICRAF Publication List

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Found 4448 publication(s)


van Noordwijk M, Van de Geijn SC. 1996. Root, shoot and soil parameters required for process-oriented models of crop growth limited by water or nutrients. Plant and Soil 183(1): 1-25.


van Noordwijk M. 1996. Models as part of agroforestry research design. AGRIVITA 19(4): 192-197.


van Noordwijk M, Ong CK. 1996. Lateral resource flow and capture - the key to scaling up agroforestry results.. Agroforestry Forum 7(3): 29-31.


van Noordwijk M, Ong CK, Buresh RJ. 1996. Current root research issues at ICRAF. Agroforestry Forum 7(2): 12-22.


van Noordwijk M. 1996. View point: decomposition driven by nature or nurture?. Applied Soil Ecology 4: 1-3.


Sitompul SM, Hairiah K, van Noordwijk M, Woomer PL. 1996. Organic matter dynamics after conversion of forests to food crops or sugarcane: Prediction of the CENTURY model. AGRIVITA 19(4): 198-206.


Simons AJ, Kindt R. 1996. Agroforestry trees: to domesticate or not to domesticate. Agroforestry Forum 7(4): 5-7.


Schwartz D, de Foresta H, Mariotti A, Balesdent J, Massimba JP, Girardin C. 1996. Present dynamics of the savanna-forest boundary in the Congolese Mayombe: pedological, botanical and isotopic (13C and 14C) study. Oecologia 106(4): 516-524.


Gonzal DG, De La Cruz LU, Garrity DP. 1996. Performance of Gmelina arborea with VAM inoculation in acid soil. The Philippine Journal of Science 125(4): 317-321.


de Foresta H, Michon G. 1996. Etablissement et gestion des agrofor. L'alimentation en Forêt Tropicale - Interactions Bioculturelles et perspectives de développement. Vol II: bases culturelles des choix alimentaires et stratégies de développement II: 1081-1101.