ICRAF Publication List

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Found 4448 publication(s)


Garrity DP, Pernito R. 1996. Mungbean response to surface drainage when grown as a pre-rice crop on waterlog-prone ricelands. Agricultural Water Management 29(3): 299-314.


Cannell MGR, van Noordwijk M, Ong CK. 1996. The central agroforestry hypothesis: the trees must acquire resources that the crop would not otherwise acquire. Agroforestry Systems 34(1): 27-31.


van Noordwijk M, Purnomosidhi P. 1995. Root architecture in relation to tree-soil-crop interactions and shoot pruning in agroforestry. Agroforestry Systems 30(1-2): 161-173.


van Noordwijk M, van Driel W, Brouwer G, Schuurmans W. 1995. Heavy-metal uptake by crops from harbour sludge covered by non-contaminated topsoil. II. Cd uptake by maize in relation to root development and distribution of metals.. Plant and Soil 175(1): 105-113.


Torres RO, P Pareek R, Garrity DP. 1995. Stem-nodulating legumes as relay-cropped or intercropped green manures for lowland rice. Field Crops Research 42(1): 39-47.


Tomich TP, Mawardi M. 1995. Evolution of palm oil trade policy in Indonesia, 1978-1991. Elaeis: Journal of the Palm Oil Research Institute of Malaysia 7(1): 87-102.


Schwartz D, Heinen M, van Noordwijk M. 1995. Rooting characteristics of lettuce grown in irrigated sand beds. Plant and Soil 176(2): 205-217.


Michon G, de Foresta H, Levang P. 1995. Strat. Natures-Sciences-Sociétés 3(3): 207-221.


Miah MG, Garrity DP, Aragon ML, Ahmed M. 1995. Weed infestation and growth in an upland rice-tree association. Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Research 33(4): 273-283.


Koffa S, de la Cruz R. 1995. Research note: screenhouse performance of VAM-inoculated seedlings of leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) De wit. in a phosphorus-deficient and aluminum sulfate-treated medium. New Forests 9: 273-279.