ICRAF Publication List

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Found 4448 publication(s)


Hairiah K, van Noordwijk M, Setijono S. 1995. Tolerance and avoidance of Al toxicity by Mucuna pruriens var. utilis at different levels of P supply. Plant Soil Interactions at low pH 171(1): 243-247.


George T, Ladha JK, Garrity DP, Torres RO. 1995. Nitrogen dynamics of grain legume-weedy fallow-flooded rice sequences in the tropics. Agronomy Journal 87(1): 1-6.


Garrity DP, O'Toole JC. 1995. Selection for reproductive stage drought avoidance in rice, using infrared thermometry. Agronomy Journal 87(4): 773-779.


Garrity DP, Agustin PC. 1995. Historical land use evolution in a tropical acid upland agroecosystem. Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment 53(1): 83-95.


Garrity DP, Liboon SP. 1995. A non-conventional method for establishing upland crops following lowland rice in saturated soils. Field Crop Research 43(1): 31-42.


Everaarts AP, de Moel CP, van Noordwijk M. 1996. The effect of nitrogen and the method of application on nitrogen uptake of cauliflower and on nitrogen in crop residues and soil at harvest. Netherlands Journal of Agriculture Science 44(1): 43-55.


De Willigen P, van Noordwijk M. 1994. Diffusion and mass flow to a root with constant nutrient demand or behaving as a zero-sink. Soil Science 157(3): 162-170.


van Noordwijk M, De Ruiter PC, Zwart KB, Bloem J, Moore JC, Van Faassen HG, Burgers P. 1993. Synlocation of biological activity, roots, cracks and recent organic inputs in a sugar beet field. Geoderma 56(1-4): 265-276.


van Noordwijk M, Dijksterhuis G, van Keulen H. 1994. Risk management in crop production and fertilizer use with uncertain rainfall; how many eggs in which baskets?. Netherlands Journal of Agriculture Science 42(4): 249-269.


van Noordwijk M, Brouwer G, Koning H, Meijboom FW, Grzebisz W. 1994. Production and decay of structural root material of winter wheat and sugar beet in conventional and integrated cropping systems. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 51(1-2): 99-113.