ICRAF Publication List

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Found 4448 publication(s)


van Noordwijk M, Scholten JHM. 1994. Effects of fertilizer price on feasibility of efficiency improvement: case study for an urea injector for lowland rice. Fertilizer Research 39: 1-9.


Timsina J, Garrity DP, Pandey RK. 1994. The interaction of cowpea maturity with degree of waterlogging in the post-rice environment. Field Crops Research 39: 39-48.


Michon G, Mary F. 1994. Conversion of traditional village gardens and new economic strategies of rural households in the area of Bogor, Indonesia. Agroforestry Systems 25(1): 31-58.


Spek LY, van Noordwijk M. 1994. Proximal root diameter as predictor of total root size for fractal branching models. I. Theory. Plant and Soil 164(1): 119-127.


George T, Ladha JK, Garrity DP, Buresh RJ. 1994. Legumes as nitrate catch crops during the dry-to-wet transition in lowland rice cropping systems. Agronomy journal 86(2): 267-273.


de Foresta H, Basri A, Wiyono. 1994. A very intimate agroforestry association: The muhibat technique. Agroforestry Today 1(6): 12-14.


van Noordwijk M, Schoonderbeek D, Kooistra MJ. 1993. Root-soil contact of field-grown winter wheat. Geoderma 56(1-4): 277-286.


van Noordwijk M, Brouwer G. 1993. Concepts and methods for studying interactions of roots and soil structure. Geoderma 56(1-4): 351-375.


van Noordwijk M, Brouwer G. 1993. Gas-filled root porosity in response to temporary low oxygen supply in different growth stages. Plant and Soil 152(2): 187-199.


Levang P, Michon G, de Foresta H. 1993. Sumatra: une for. Courrier de la Planète 19: 28-29.