ICRAF Publication List

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Found 4448 publication(s)


Bandy DE, Garrity DP, Sanchez PA. 1993. The worldwide problem of slash and burn agriculture. Agroforestry Today 5(3): 2-6.


van Noordwijk M, Kooistra MJ, Boone FR, Veen BW, Schoonderbeek D. 1992. Root-soil contact of maize, as measured by thin-section technique. I. Validity of the method. Plant and Soil 139: 109-118.


Pernito R, Garrity DP. 1992. Farm level evaluation of drainage technology for mungbeans grown prior to lowland rice. Crop Science 17(1): 27-35.


Nugroho WH, Widianto, van Noordwijk M. 1992. Spatial variability of cassava tuber yield on newly cleared forest land in Lampung and consequences for experimental design. AGRIVITA 15(1): 90-93.


Handayanto E, Nuraini Y, Purnomosidhi P, Hanegraaf M, Agterberg G, Hassink J, van Noordwijk M. 1992. Decomposition rates of legume residues and N-mineralization in an ultisol in Lampung. AGRIVITA 15(1): 75-86.


Hairiah K, Kasniari DN, van Noordwijk M, de Foresta H. 1996. Soil properties, litterfall, above-and belowground biomass during a Chromolaena odorata fallow. AGRIVITA 19(4): 184-192.


Hairiah K, van Noordwijk M, Santoso B, Syekhfani M. 1992. Biomass production and root distribution of eight trees and their potential for hedgerow intercropping on an ultisol in Lampung. AGRIVITA 15(1): 54-68.


Hairiah K, van Noordwijk M, Stulen I, Kuiper PJC. 1992. Aluminium avoidance by Mucuna pruriens var. utilis. Phisiologia Plantarum 86: 17-24.


Calendacion AN, Garrity DP, Ingram KT. 1992. Lock lodging: a new technology for ratoon rice cropping. Crop and Sience Society of the Philippines 17(1): 1-10.


Aggarwal PK, Garrity DP, Libboon SP, Morris RA. 1992. Resource use and plant interactions in a rice-mungbean intercrop. Agronomy Journal 84(1): 71-78.