ICRAF Publication List

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Found 4448 publication(s)


van Noordwijk M, Widianto, Heinen M, Hairiah K. 1991. Old tree root channels in acid soils in the humid tropics: important for crop root penetration, water infiltration and nitrogen management.. Plant and Soil Interactions at Low Ph : 423-430.


Gijsman AJ, Floris J, van Noordwijk M, Brouwer G. 1991. An inflatable minirhizotron system for root observations with improved soil/tube contact. Plant and Soil 134: 261-269.


van Noordwijk M, De Willigen P, Ehlert PAI, Chardon WJ. 1990. A simple model of P uptake by crops as a possible basis for P fertilizer recommendations. Netherlands Journal of Agricultural Sciences 38: 317-332.


Garrity DP, Bantilan RT, Bantilan CC, Tin P, Mann R. 1990. Indigofera tinctoria: farmer - proven green manure for rainfed ricelands. Rice farming systems Technical Exchange : 25.


Timsina J, P Robles R, Garrity DP, Pandey RK. 1989. Weed population in cowpeas (Vigna Unguiculata) (L) Walp) as influenced by water table, moisture regime and cultivar. Crop and Science 14(3): 151-121.


Grzebisz W, Floris J, van Noordwijk M. 1989. Loss of dry matter and cell contents from fibrous roots of sugar beet due to sampling, storage and washing. Plant and Soil 113: 53-57.


De Willigen P, van Noordwijk M. 1989. Model calculations on the relative importance of internal longitudinal diffusion for aeration of roots of non-wetland plants. Plant and Soil 113: 111-119.


van Noordwijk M, Brouwer G. 1988. Quantification of air-filled root porosity: a comparison of two methods. Plant and Soil 111: 255-258.


van Noordwijk M, De Willigen P. 1987. Uptake potential of non-regularly distributed roots. Plant Nutrient 10: 1273-1280.


1999. ICRAF in Southeast Asia. Brochure. Bogor, Indonesia: International Centre for Research in Agroforestry, SEA Regional Research Programme.