ICRAF Publication List

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Penot E, Budiman AFS. 1998. Environmental aspects of smallholder rubber agroforestry in Indonesia: reconcile production and environment. Report. Bogor, Indonesia: International Centre for Research in Agroforestry, SEA Regional Research Programme, Bogor, Indonesia: CIRAD, Bogor, Indonesia: GAPKINDO.


Penot E. 1996. Agroforestry systems: some definitions and contribution to forests dynamics. Report. Montpellier, France: CIRAD.


Penot E. 1996. Improving productivity of Indonesian in rubber based agroforestry systems : introduction and financial analysis of RAS systems. Report. Bogor, Indonesia: International Centre for Research in Agroforestry, SEA Regional Research Programme, Bogor, Indonesia: CIRAD, Bogor, Indonesia: GAPKINDO.


Penot E, Mahabharata G. 1996. Complex rubber agroforestry systems in Indonesia : an alternative to low productivity of jungle rubber conserving agroforestry practices and benefits. First results from on-farm experimentation in West-Kalimantan. Report. Beruwala, Sri Lanka: Indonesian Rubber Research Institute Sembawa Research Station, Beruwala, Sri Lanka: Natural Resouces Institute, Beruwala, Sri Lanka: International Centre for Research in Agroforestry, SEA Regional Research Programme.


Kang BT, Garrity DP, Hargrove WL. 1996. Agroforestry for sustainable agricultural systems and environment conservation. Report. Bogor, Indonesia: SANREM CRSP.


Garrity DP. 1995. Agroforestry solutions to rehabilitate Imperata grasslands : a system approach. Report. Bogor, Indonesia: International Centre for Research in Agroforestry, SEA Regional Research Programme.


Garrity DP. 1994. Key agroforestry research challenges in tropical Asia. Report. Bogor, Indonesia: International Centre for Research in Agroforestry, SEA Regional Research Programme.


Lai CK, Garrity DP. 1998. People's participation in mountainous agroforestry systems in Asia: toward community-based landscape approaches. Report. Chiangmai, Thailand: International Centre for Research in Agroforestry, SEA Regional Research Programme.


Mercado Jr. AR, Garrity DP, Catacutan D. 1999. Technical and institutional innovations to conservation farming and agroforestry: components of sustainable watershed management. Report. Claveria, Philippines: International Centre for Research in Agroforestry, SEA Regional Research Programme.


Garrity DP. 2000. The farmer-driven landcare movement: an institutional innovation with implications for extension and research. Report. Bogor, Indonesia: International Centre for Research in Agroforestry, SEA Regional Research Programme.