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Publication Details

TitleBuffer zone management and agroforestry
EditorDennis P Garrity, Christina M Glynn and Romeo A Banaynal
InstitutionCentral Mindanao University Bukidnon Philippines and International Centre for Research in Agroforestry, SEA Regional Research Programme
CityBukidnon, Philippines
Number of Pages62
Call NumberRP0004-04
KeywordsBuffer zone, agroforestry, national park, land tenure
This paper distilled some of the lesson learned from the global experience with integrated conservation development projects, drawing upon the review by wells and Brandon (1992). Historically, park management emphasized a policing role to exclude local people. Gradually it was recognized that communities near protected areas often bear substantial costs as a consequence of their proximity to these areas, yet gain little in return. Yhis led protected area management critically depends on the support of local people.
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