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TitleDetermination of inorganic monomeric Aluminium with the 60 s Pyrocatechol violet technique
AuthorKurniatun Hairiah, Meine van Noordwijk and I Stulen
InstitutionInternational Centre for Research in Agroforestry, SEA Regional Research Programme and Instituut Voor Bodemvruchtbaarheid
CityHaren, Netherland
Number of Pages244
Call NumberRP0006-04
A method for measuring the concentration of inorganic, monomeric al in fluid samples was tested. The technique was found suitable as al-organic acid complexes (malate) and polymeric Al (as calculated on the basis of sample pH and total Al concentration) did not interfere. A much simpler calibration procedure than in the original description by Kerven et al. (1989) was found satisfactory. Applicatio of the technique to samples from a nutrient solution experiment show the importance of a tight pH control in such experiments.
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