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TitleModelling global change impacts on the soil enviroment
AuthorDaniel Murdiyarso, Meine van Noordwijk and Desi Ariyadhi Suyamto
InstitutionBiotrop - GCTE Southeast Asian Impacts Centre and International Centre for Research in Agroforestry, SEA Regional Research Programme
CityBogor, Indonesia
Report NumberIC-SEA Report No. 6
Number of Pages110
Call NumberRP0023-04
KeywordsModelling, Global change, Soil environment
In the recent periode of dramatic economic growth of Southeast Asia, land use change impacted on the environment often on a massive scale. Removal of carbon stocks, changes in biogeochemical cycles, and loss of biodiversity are always associated with the rapid change of the terrestrial landscape. The goal of achieving sustainable development in the context of global change requires a basic understanding of how terrestrial ecosystems respond to rapid environmental change. The challenge is particularly acute for developing countries, which arre coming under increasing pressure to modify their development strategies to reduce the adverse impacts of climate change, due to the increase of greenhouse of their natural ecosystems. This is in line with the international agreements, such as the climate change, biodiversity, and desertification conventions, which potentially constrain the development strategies of many countries.
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