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TitleBetween scattered extraction and specialized production : which alternatives for the development of non-timber forest resources?
AuthorGenevieve Michon, Esther Katz and Hubert de Foresta
InstitutionInternational Centre for Research in Agroforestry, SEA Regional Research Programme
CityBogor, Indonesia
Number of Pages14
Call NumberRP0040-04
Management systems for NTFPs are far from being homogenous. They globally range from scattered collection in natural forests foe occasional comsuption to intensive specialized production for international markets, going through various types of "integrated management" and "ocassional cultivation" or " pre-domestication". These various systems have obviuosly different fearures in terms of either ecological, economic or social sustainability, of short term or long term productivitty, or of cultural validity. Among others, they may have totally diverging impacts on either forest ecosystems and biodiversity conservation, on forest populations development and welfare, or even on the respect of indigenous people rights. This paper will first attempt to give a dynamic overview of this deversity of current management practices for NTFPs, highlighting past and present evolutionary trends and insisting on those currently less investigated models that are intermediary between "extraction from natural stocks" and "true domestication for cultivation", with a special focus on the Southeast region. Starting from these current situstions, it will elaborate on the available "existing models" for NTFPs management, giving attention to matters such as scale and scope of management, levels of inputs and knowledge, economic and social logics, institutional and social bases. It will launch important bases for a comparative assessment of the global sustainability of these models, examining ecological, economic, cultural and social efficiency and gaps. It will finaly try to derive "alternative models" for future scenarios of forest management, giving a special attention to unexplored ways for demestication of forest resources.
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