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TitleModelling complex agro-ecosystems under global change: workshop summary report
AuthorDaniel Murdiyarso and Meine van Noordwijk
InstitutionBiotrop - GCTE Southeast Asian Impacts Centre and International Centre for Research in Agroforestry, SEA Regional Research Programme
CityBogor, Indonesia
Report NumberIC-SEA Report No. 4
Number of Pages43
Call NumberRP0075-04
Complex agroecosystems in South Asia are generally practised at relatively small, individual farm, scales. They form a mosaic of food crops, tree crops, and pasture. In favourable environments, they have high produvtivity, and are profitable and sustainable. In less favourable conditions, however they often fail, implying the need for further research. Sustainable management of complex agroecosystem has to deal with the problem that entire landscape is changing, often rapidly, due to external factors driven by a market economy. The challenge is to develop systems that are feasible alternatives to current agricultural practices in the context of this dynamic environment. This training workshop explored problems in the management of complex agroecosystem. Trough lectures and open discussions, the participants developed a better understanding of complex agroecosystems and the application of modelling tools to specific management problems. Case studies demostrated the processes and interactions in the systems. Models helped participants better understand some of the complex processes and interactions in agroecosystems. A balance of lectures and hands-on computer exercise allowed participants to appreciate the complexity of the problems, but still develop some practical skills and confidence for approaching future analyses. Through the development of the research proposals more specific problems were identified for possible future investigations. There was also a chance to discuss how future research activities would benefit from networking of researchers and data. In the future, IC-SEA expects to collaborate with other organisations to facilitate future research by this group of scientists on complex agroecosystems.
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