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Working Paper Series
TitleForest area rationalization in Indonesia: a study on the forest resource condition and policy reform
AuthorHarry Santoso
Project series (series title)RUPES Working Paper No 2003_5
PublisherWorld Agroforestry Centre - ICRAF, SEA Regional Office and International Fund for Agricultural Development
City of PublicationBogor, Indonesia
Number of Pages31
Physic description29,5 cm
Call NumberWP0011-04
KeywordsForest Resource, Policy Reform, Indonesia, Environmental
Aside of the change which occurred in the use of different data sources, forest area in Indonesia is basically susceptible to changes following the process of spatial management and regional autonomy at this moment. Looking at empirical fact, at least there are 2 (two) driving factors which can cause change in Indonesia's forest area, i.e. juridical factor and dynamic factor. The phenomena of susceptibility of Indonesia's forest area to change mentioned above, gives an indication about many constraint to the claim of state control of the forest area in Indonesia. So that the implementation of this study concerning forest area rationalization is quite reasonable. In relation to that, the World Bank (by consultation with several parties including ICRAF) has initiated a preliminary study about forest area rationalization in Indonesia. The result of this study will be used as country strategy for the World Bank to give input for the policy of Indonesian Government in arrangement and management of forest area. In the framework of giving contribution of idea concerning the topic of the study, the author prepares this paper as one of contributors from several members of the study team, each with different focus of study. Partly based on the knowledge and experience of the author, the material and opinions presented in this paper are also supported by the results of field visits (in Lampung province), intensive discussion with several related parties such as experts, government officials, NGO, international institution, as well as the result of discussion in multi-stakeholder workshop.
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