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Journal Article
Article TitleRisk management in crop production and fertilizer use with uncertain rainfall; how many eggs in which baskets?
AuthorMeine van Noordwijk, G Dijksterhuis and H van Keulen
Journal TitleNetherlands Journal of Agriculture Science
Call NumberJA0071-04
KeywordsSoil-types, Toposequences, Nitrogen fertilizers, Application, Application rates, Models, Risk, Management
Model results are analysed for risk management options for sorghum production with a range of N fertilizer rates on three soils of a toposequence in three climatic zones in Burkina Faso. The three levels of analysis are: (a) quantifying the probability distribution of physical and economic yield for a range of fertilizer levels and soil types; (b) quantifying the possible variance reduction by soil heterogeneity or by a combination of soils and N rates; (c) developing a procedure for selecting 'meaningful diversity' of soil and N fertilizer combinations
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