ICRAF Publication Detail Page

Publication Details

Journal Article
Article TitleAgroforestry innovations for Imperata grassland rehabilitation: workshop recommendations
AuthorDennis P Garrity
Journal TitleAgroforestry Systems
InstitutionKluwer Academic Publishers
Call NumberJA0101-04
KeywordsReclamation, Rehabilitation, Agroforestry systems, Innovations,. Land use, Fires, Tropical grasslands
Eight reports are given from the conference. These include reports based on 2 days of deliberations from the 6 working groups set up at the conference. These are: I. The mega grasslands; II. Characterization of grassland areas; III. Modelling agroforestry systems for the grasslands; IV. Fire and land use in the grasslands: community control mechanisms; V. Research plans for international collaboration; and VI. Policy brief for Jakarta seminar. The reports contain statements of the issues, analyses, and recommendations for action. The other 2 reports included are: VII. Summary of workshop field trips; and VIII. Follow-up activities
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