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TitleDesigning conservation funding for Peat Landscapes
Call NumberLE00313-24

South Sumatra’s peatland, characterised by lowland dipterocarp forest, is home to diverse flora and fauna. This includes the critically endangered Sumatran elephant (Elephas maximus sumatranus) according to the IUCN (2021). The east coastal peat ecosystem of Ogan Komering Ilir District, particularly the Sugihan landscape, serves as a vital habitat for these large mammals. However, human wild elephant conflict poses a significant challenge to elephant conservation efforts. Deforestation and habitat fragmentation exacerbate this conflicts, which typically occur in areas where human activities, such as transmigration, plantations, and industrial forestry, overlap with elephant habitats. This study aims to provide guidelines for designing business model and conservation funding strategies at landscape scale, with a particular focus on preserving the biodiversity of elephant mega-species.

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