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Magazine Article
Article TitleRotational hedgerow intercropping + Peltophorum pterocarpum = New hope for weed-infested soils
AuthorMeine van Noordwijk, Kurniatun Hairiah, S M Sitompul and M Syekhfani
Magazine TitleAgroforestry Today
Issue Number(4)
Call NumberMA0002-04
KeywordsBroadleaves, Agroforestry, Weed control, Alley cropping, Fallow systems, Control, Weeds, Forests, Cultural control, Fallow, Shading, Seed germination
A short account of studies in Lampung, South Sumatra, Indonesia, which suggest that the use of Peltophorum pterocarpum in rotational alley cropping/fallow systems provides suitable means for controlling Imperata cylindrica. P. pterocarpum has a dense crown that provides a high biomass of prunings but causes little shading of crops in the first 2-3 months after trees are cut. With hedgerows spaced at 4-m intervals and cut 2-4X a year, annual pruning yield over 3 yr averaged 8 t/ha and contained 200 kg of nitrogen. During the following fallow phase, the trees form dense umbrella shaped crowns which allow very little light to reach the soil. The leaflets decompose slowly (15 wk are required for 50% loss of dry weight) and very few seeds of I. cylindrica germinate under them. Tests are also underway in which narrow lines of I. cylindrica grasslands are cleared and planted with P. pterocarpum, Gliricidia sepium and Calliandra calothyrsus.
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