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Magazine Article
Article TitleNatural vegetative strips: farmers' invention gains popularity.
AuthorMarco Stark, Augustin R. Mercado Jr. and Dennis P Garrity
Magazine TitleAgroforestry Today
Issue Number(1)
Call NumberMA0010-04
KeywordsAgroforestry Systems, Alley cropping, Contour cultivation, Farmers, Hedgerow plants, Indigenous knowledge, Soil conservation, Sustainability, Vegetated strips
A technique using natural vegetative strips (NVS), invented by farmers in Claveria, Philippines, instead of planting introduced trees for contour hedgerows is discussed. The farmers leave 50-cm unploughed contour lines during land preparation, and grasses and herbs rapidly cover the strips. The effects of the strips on soil fertility and soil displacement (scouring) are assessed. The results of 5 field trials on the use of NVS, as well as the experiences of farmers on using contour vegetative strips are presented.
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