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Publication Details

Proceeding TitleImprovement of indigenous fruits trees of the miombo woodlands of Southern Africa, 23-27 January 1994 at Club Makokola, Mangochi, Malawi
EditorJ.A. Maghembe, Y. Ntupanyama and P.W. Chirwa
PublisherInternational Centre for Research in Agroforestry
Conference LocationClub Makokola, Mangochi, Malawi
Number of Pages of the book138
Call NumberPR0005-04
KeywordsMiombo Woodlands, Southern Africa, Indegenous Fruits, Germaplasm
If we wish to progress quickly and successfully with MPT improvement in the miombo region of southern Africa, we need to build a sound basis for regional collaboration in species prioritization, germplasm collection, evaluation and improvement research. A logical time frame for these activities is discussed. There is a need to commence planing activities immediately 1994 and we hope, therefore, thhat speedy arrangements for collaboration on species prioritization and germplasm collection will be made. Key issues to be resolved are : 1. The most appropriate organization to co-ordinate the collection; 2. An indication of the NARS and other groups interested in participating in a collection programme; 3. Determination of an appropriate agenda for action to launch a successful collection programme.
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